How brave are we? Gulp!



How brave are we? Hmmm…we like to ‘talk the talk’ here on SLN, but would we consider ‘walking the walk’?

After a morning’s sunbathing and swimming on the beach yesterday, we repaired to Ella’s apartment while her children had a siesta. In the afternoon, we all made our way down to the pool, where Ella’s husband shot some video. A bit difficult for him for a time, as ‘the RL Mr Pookes’ and I apparently kept wandering into shot, oblivious to his presence. We said we didn’t care being in the video, as long as we got a copy of it! 🙂

So last night we had dinner in a lovely restaurant, and then made our way back to their apartment (children in bed, exhausted by this time) and sat on the balcony drinking wine. Talk, inevitably, turned to SL. At least, it did for Ella and I, while our respective husbands took themselves off to a nearby bar, where nudity is permitted, to share a few drinks.

As the wine flowed, we got to a point in the discussion where we were asking ourselves the question ‘we do like to rattle on about the naturist lifestyle, but would we be brave enough to ‘walk the walk’ on our own blog?’

‘Oh yes’, we said after a bottle of wine.

‘Oh no’, we said this morning over coffee as the sun came up over the Med.

And then we said….

‘….oh, who cares?’ So we’re reviewing Mr. Keng’s footage, and selecting some images from the video.

I’m not going to promise that we’re going to show crystal clear, full frontal shots (we aren’t actually posing for the camera anyway, it’s us as we’re enjoying the pool, naturally).

But if we’re going to be champions for naturism, then surely we have to be seen to be active naturists. Yes?

Ella returns home on Wednesday, I’m here until Saturday, but we’ll certainly go through the footage, choose a few shots and…maybe, gulp, just maybe, allow ourselves to face the camera and bare all for SLN! I’ll leave you to guess which photo is Ella, and which is me. I think I’ve added a poll, so you can vote on who you think each of us in the photos are. (Be patient if this has gone wrong, I’ve never added a poll to a post before, and Ella just shook her head when I asked her how to do it).



Edited to add: Our husbands, unsurprisingly, like the whole idea of this post 🙂 I wonder why? 🙂 So now we’ve got a bit of a Vera Playa meme going on between now and Wednesday (although ‘the RL Mr Pookes’ wants it to continue beyond then!) to see if we can get up numerous ‘us’ – i.e. Ella and myself- photos which show everything without actually identifying ourselves. And as Ella has already pointed out in ‘comments’, I’ve tagged the photos incorrectly, so no poll is necessary. Ella’s the one in the bottom pic, showing her bottom, and I’m in the top shot, showing mine and a bit of side boob!


3 thoughts on “How brave are we? Gulp!

  1. Pingback: A NUDIE DIGEST – July 21, 2014 | Nomadic Nudist

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