Man on a zero budget

You’ll know, if you’ve read SLN for any length of time, that Ella maintains ‘alts’ for the times when she needs to take photos in a hurry and there’s no Harry or Diane around to do it, and she also might want to sport a slightly different ‘look’ (on her female alt). Speaking to her yesterday it appears that this is something of a historical thing with Ella, when she made her alts she didn’t actually know you could save entire outfits including skins, hair etc, and do an instantaneous switch.

Because you can save a whole outfit I’ve never had an ‘alt’ (and regular readers will know just how often I change hairstyles in SL) but if I’m going to be editing for a while I thought I did at least require a male alt that could be pressed into action without oddly looking like ‘Eva Pookes’ was online and looking like a man.

I was up early this morning, so I decided to set up a male alt for when I might need ‘him’. And I decided to do him on a zero budget and still make him not look like a newbie.


…meet Mr. Pookes! (and no, he’s not being run by the still slumbering RL Mr. Pookes who is resolutely disinterested in SL).


Working from a generic SL male avatar, I went to JStyle which offers excellent male skins for L$0 and picked a few up. From there, to Midnight Lotus where I picked up their free, non-functioning (i.e. it doesn’t grow erect, urinate or ejaculate) ‘Chrome Edition’ penis (top pic). And if you are going to be in situations where an erection is necessary -this avi certainly won’t- then the free mesh penis we blogged a couple of weeks ago (bottom pic) is your best option at Juicy Lips. To this, I added an excellent free male AO from the marketplace, called ‘Tuty’s free male AO’ (there’s also equally good female versions) and hey presto! Good looking male avatar for L$0.

As he’s under 30 days old the only thing I don’t like about him is his hair, but Sweet Hairs offer a free gift for female hair, so I’ll try and pick one up later on if I can see one that looks suitably male.

There you have it. A good looking male and not a linden dollar spent.



One thought on “Man on a zero budget

  1. Pingback: A NUDIE DIGEST – July 21, 2014 | Nomadic Nudist

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