A message from Howie

Hi folks! A quick message. I’ve decided to retire. No, I’m not that age, don’t be cheeky, lol!

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I’m delighted to say that I received word today that my offer for an apartment in the naturist zone of Vera Playa, Spain -yes, the same place Ella regularly uses, and which I’ve visited in the past on several occasions- has been accepted. I was out there in April and viewed the apartment, but I’d heard nothing, and have subsequently viewed apartments in Cap D’Agde (as recently as last week, which I’d also put an offer on, but have retracted this afternoon on hearing this news). Imagine my surprise when my solicitor rang this morning to say that my April offer had been accepted. I’ll be heading out there in September to sign the paperwork, and will be moving semi-permanently there as soon as I’ve got the keys! 🙂

We (yes, there’s a Mrs. Howie) intend to spend most of the year in our new home, but will maintain our UK home and fly back to Blighty for part of the year.

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So…a new life and why not a new (and more accurate) SL look? I do maintain a bit of a ponytail in RL. It’s all to do with me trying to grow old disgracefully. 😉 I did maintain a beard, but shaved it off a few days back. But I decided that I should at least update the colour from what was my natural colour, when younger, to my natural colour as it is now. That’s right! Ash blonde! 🙂

I don’t imagine that there will be any apparent impact on the blog. When I move, there may be some interference with my presence while I get an internet service set up, but you, the readers of SLN, shouldn’t really notice any noticeable change other than my having the time to contribute more. Of course, that decision is in the hands of our editor!howie pam2_001b

I’m delighted to be able to be in a position to retire relatively young and, more importantly, fulfil a long-held wish, by both of us, that we could live the naturist lifestyle for a good part of the year. It seems to have some sense of appropriateness that I will be handing in my notice tomorrow, on a Friday, with immediate effect and wow! come Monday be a man of leisure. 🙂


Freed from the constraints of work, Pam (Mrs. Howie, a very occasional SL user) says she may even make more regular appearances in the game.

I can’t begin to convey how thrilled we are with today’s news, and the prospect of a new life in Spain.










Older men declare war. But it is the youth that must fight and die – Herbert Hoover



I hope my friend Kat Feldragonne doesn’t mind me utilising a photo from her blog, one she used in her ‘Look of the Day’ about a week ago, a photo also featured on her Flickr page. You need to check out both the blog & flickr page. I dearly love the quotes, epithets and sense of the poetic in the words Kat adds to her posts, such as the one above. Why? Because it’s the sort of thought-provoking words, as much as the sense of SL style, that help to inform the work on this blog.

Twelve words…but oh so true of the real world as well as in some parts of SL. Nigeria’s boy soldiers…the actions of Boko Haram…the de-sensitising of attitudes to death in things like Call of Duty, often played by adolescent boys. The ‘normalisation’ of kidnap and rape as a ‘legitimate’ part of war being waged by this inhumane groups like Islamic State...

Yes…War is always good at making little boys fall in love with it, and the current generation, as never before, are being exposed to a hygienic, de-sensitised, romanticised version in which there’s always another computer life if there’s a fatal shot fired. Call of Duty, and its ilk, will never contain the screams, the pain, the graphic open wounds, a slow darkness and silence descending as the victim falls into unconsciousness or death. Perhaps if they sold it on the basis that ‘if you’re shot, the game cartridge will never work again’ people might think their approach to it. Likely?

Happily, SL’s gameplay is never likely to be as immersive, in respect of war, as games dedicated to it, so it’s not going to be as popular in SL as….dancing! Or, come to that, naturism!

But Kat hits the nail, firmly on the head, in the quote from her post. The world’s governments and armaments manufacturers will always manage to engineer situations where their profits take precedence to humanity. The ‘war on terrorism’ often little more than a ‘war on a peaceful world, if the overwhelming majority of its citizens had their way’. Do any of us have markedly different hopes and aspirations to anywhere else in the world? Does a mother in the 20th floor apartment of a Manhattan apartment block have radically different views as to her children’s future than one in Nigeria? In Gaza? In Jerusalem? In Syria? I don’t think so.

In the meantime, dark forces conspire to ensure that War continues to get the little boys to fall in love with it. Without that love, war can’t thrive.

An absolutely wonderful and thought provoking quotation, Kat. Thank you.



Topless sailing

Many thanks to Caitlin Tobias for pointing out, on her blog, that there’s a Topless Sailing Group. I won’t steal Cait’s thunder by re-hashing her text for consumption here. Instead, click the link and see what Cait has to say.

Naturally, it was something I needed to investigate…

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Topless sailors. And bottomless too, it seems…

I was given a HUD, a Cruiser (I wasn’t sure how to rezz this), but found that today’s race’s start point offered a free Nemo boat, which I could rezz, so I hopped onto that, tried to learn the controls (fail!) and took off. Well…I managed in a straight line 🙂 Turning it was something else entirely! 🙂

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While I’m not the best sailor in the world, I did find the experience to be a lot of fun, and it’s something I will certainly return to when I’ve more (in world) SL time than I have at present.



Earlier, when posting about Del May poses, and how thought the poses intended for one specific use could be re-imagined for another use, it got my mind to thinking about how much any of us, any of you, re-think what you see on the various SL blogspots as to how they might be applied to use that the creator never imagined.

You, like me, in SL & RL, probably do a fair bit of ‘mix & match’ with your wardrobe. I know that I think regularly about how the shoes from this outfit might go well with the dress from that outfit. We’ve all got a pair of dressy shoes in RL that we think will look terrific with a pair of skinny jeans, don’t we? And if we throw on an old sweat top but add a string of pearls…well…it’s a look, isn’t it?

With this in mind, I dug out the Eve avatar, grabbed the new free male hair gift at Amacci and tried it on. Would it work? I hopped over to Su Casa and grabbed a photo. Yes, indeed, it does work. It works very well, if in a kind of 1980s ‘new romantic‘ way, but it definitely works.

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It was a quick re-log as Adam, back to Amacci to grab their new female hair gift, and back to Su Casa for a quick pose…

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Hmm…not quite as successful, but in these days of top knots and men wearing alice bands, not completely inconceivable.

My point is that there’s a plethora of freebies out there for the opposite sex. While one or two items might not work (shirts are problematic due to the presence, or absence, of boobs) it seems to me there are poses, hairstyles, jeans and so on not intended for our avatar’s sex but which work quite well. I’ll be developing this as a bit of a theme over the next week or two to see if we can create a unique look, whether or not the avatar remains masculine or feminine, or indeed becomes more androgyne as a result. Whatever way it turns out, I’d encourage you to maybe not instantly dismiss items that aren’t, on the face of it, intended for your avatar’s gender. You never know what look might be achieved.


Heroes of Naturism : Educating Julie

A timid college student, Julie, is assigned to write a research paper on “Nudity in the 1980’s” She and her boyfriend, Steve, visit several nudist clubs in England, the south of France and in Florida to learn about why people like nudism. (from imdb)

And that, in a nutshell, is the plot line to one of the most famous naturist films of the 1980s.

Starring Gail Ward, who played the title role of ‘Julie (Potter)’, apparently she’s not been traceable in any subsequent movie, although I have been able to find out that the film makers, Heritage Video, initially looked at actresses…but couldn’t find any willing to act while nude. Then they turned to actual nudists, but couldn’t find any that could act! They then put an ad in a paper; and Gail Ward, an aspiring new actress, stepped forward. This is her actual quote from the article:
“I saw the article in the newspaper about the problems Heritage were having finding a leading lady, and the part really appealed to me. I’ve no inhibitions whatsoever about acting without clothes, and in fact I’ve become a naturist myself.”

The entire movie is on youtube, although it seems to be a rather dark copy (in places) taken from videotape (VHS, for those old enough to remember that, I would imagine).







I’ve only recently discovered an article online (from H&E magazine), published after the film’s release, which outlines the trials and tribulations of the film’s making, hence me revisiting the first naturist film I ever saw. As far as I can ascertain, it has never been digitised, remastered or re-released, which is a shame as it does offer an insight into naturism then, much of which holds true now.

Additionally, it shows Cap D’Agde in its naturist glory days, prior to it all becoming a bit of a swingers’ paradise.

It’s a film I’d recommend anyone interested in naturism watches.



(nb: the film’s title obviously takes its cue from Educating Rita, starring Julie Walters & Michael Caine, which had come out the year before. Did it get titled ‘Julie’ because Julie Walters was the actress in the ‘Rita’ film? Who knows?)

Del May poses

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Del May Poses is a store that’s new to me, but I have to say I was greatly impressed by their work. Imaginative poses that immediately caught my eye, so much so that I summoned Mr. Keng online to assist me with some couples poses, poses that…shall I say…go a little way down the track to replicate those cuddly, luvved-up moments we’ll have on holiday, wrapped around each other in the sea, remembering all the reasons why we fell in love, the reasons that often, for many of us, are put on the back burner due to real life getting in the way (lawn needs mown, car needs servicing, bills need paying). Sometimes it can feel like we’re sleepwalking through life dealing with the mundane.



I could have spent so much more on Del May poses. Indeed, I may well do! 🙂 In the meantime, here’s a selection of those we did buy! A little more cuddlesome than you’d usually get on SLN, but they are terrific poses, well worth sharing with you.


The last of the poses, a single pose, is called ‘You could have knocked’, and at the store features a lady in her bathroom, a towel covering her. I thought that, as well as that scenario, it did a good job of replicating me entering the sea almost every time on holiday…that ‘brrrrrrr!!!!!’ moment before you realise ‘hey, come on in, the water’s lovely!’ 🙂




Towelling dry…

I don’t normally do Gatchas, but when I saw this pose/accessory I knew I’d be playing until I got it! 🙂

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Yep! That ‘just out of the sea and towelling dry’ look. In the end I ended up with a couple of towels of different colours, as well as a beach ball pose/accessory.

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Hey, we’re naturists, of course we play with beach balls. Don’t we? (Actually, I’ve never seen a naturist play with a beach ball in the manner often portrayed by the media).

You can find these pose/accessories at M.Birdie Story at the Okinawa Summer Festival (L$69 each turn). Yes, I spent more than I planned, I also managed to get a couple of summer outfits (not photographed) while snagging the towels, but it was worth it to get this great looking pose/accessory.




Love is….

I make no secret of the fact that I’m not overly fussy on tattoos. It’s not something I’d ever do, but take the approach that it’s your body, knock yourself out.

One of my work colleagues has one, though, that fascinates me, more in the choice of its placement…right across her neck.

I was interested, then, to see that M’s Art has a freebie gift of a Mickey & Minnie Mouse tattoo. Worn with a shirt, it means that much of the tattoo is hidden, and would create a similar impression as the one worn by my colleague.

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When model V’s shirt comes off…the tattoo is shown in full effect.

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As I say, not something I’d personally wear (even in SL) but if tatts are your thing, there’s a limited number of these free tattoos available at M’s Art.




Liberte, egalite, fraternite et nudité!

I reported last week on a public beach in France, used by textiles and naturists, being closed to accommodate the security of the Saudi royal family.

It now transpires there has been a public demonstration, by naturist swimmers, at the beach’s closure.


I suggested, last week, that the French approach to ‘egalite, fraternite and liberte’ might be waning. I was wrong and I retract that statement. The spirit of the French Revolution is alive and well. It seems that it’s more a case of liberte, egalite, fraternite et nudite! Vive la France!
